Optimizing Patient Targets

Optimizing Patient Targets

Using advanced profiling methodologies, we are able to pinpoint patient groups most likely to benefit from a particular pharmacological agent.
We are able to comprehensively assess core subgroup features such as clinical characteristics, treatment patterns, and longitudinal course of disease.
Starting with the detailed profile of your drug, we can dwelve into our extensive cross-sectional and longitudinal data representing general populations to match the drug profile with patient medical needs and risk profile (safety).
Our general population data with details of signs and symptoms (over several thousands) give that pinpoint accuracy in making that match. We’ve helped a pharmaceutical company with this approach which has convinced the authorities to revert a decision of non-approval to approvable. Another application for a drug still in development may lead to overturning a disappointing trial results into a convincing one for a more specific sub-group of patients.
